Monday, October 4, 2010

My WHETS classroom...

I've experienced only one long distance learning course here at WSU with Wendy Olson via Angel from the Vancouver campus. The experience was one which simulated a physical classroom as much as was possible.

My first image was supposed to be of Wendy Olson, who was my professor, however, the site would not let me copy the picture, so the URL is:

- This class was an opponent to the theory of unbundling. Her aim was to explore the theories of composition in a very real way. She wanted us to put into practice what she taught. Her role as professor was no "deliverer of corporate values and goals..." (Peterson 374).

My second image is of my mom's university logo: She attends the University of Great Falls: Montana where she is en route to acheive her Bachelor's of Science in Nursing using an entirely online program. She has been a nurse for over 25 years with only her AA degree and when the opportunity arose for her to get a second degree, she took as lifelong learning, like Peterson explores.

A lot of factors contribute to the success of a student in a distance learning course. Peterson encourages the uses of many different technologies and teach/student interaction in deciding what works for the whole class via the program (like Angel) being used.

My third image is of a chart mapping the factors which can contribute to the success of distance learning programs through a distance learning website.

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